The Ink Pusher

Kelly Robinson-
                 Tattoo Artist

Artists Statement

I’ve always had a fascination with other worlds, Worlds that would never exist outside the imagination.  The realms of great dragons and little fairies, or grand ships with deadly alien cargo; these are the subjects that hold my attention the most when it comes to creating my artwork.  I love creating these images, and people love to look at them.  I know that it isn’t considered a fine art, but sci-fi and fantasy art is one of the most popular types of art work in the common world.  People know more about dragons and fictional characters than they do about the classic artists of the old world.  I want to become on of those great artists that create people’s hopes and dreams, and create the creatures that engulf the imagination.  
            I always start a piece of work with a sketch of some kind.  Some pieces may start from a rough sketch and I would continue to work on top of that, some start with thumbnails that then grow into larger pieces.  I like to create dynamic scenes and compositions, whether they have action packed battles, or a serene and peaceful theme, though, I still try for a dynamic composition.  I work mainly in color pencils and water color, I’ve always drawn, and color pencils are comfortable for me to use and work with, I use water color to create different back ground colors to work on top of with the pencils.  They can create some unique effects that work well together.  I’ve seen some artists that work with similar mixed media techniques and I really like how their work looks, they work inspire me to try new things with my art.  One such artist I like to look to is Ron Spencer, a well known fantasy artist that’s worked on many projects including those of Blizzard and Wizards of the Coast.  
          I think my passion for fantasy art started with dinosaurs.  I grew up being the typical boy loving giant romping carnivores attacking the nice and timid triceratops, then turning the whole thing into a huge battle.  I grew from dinosaurs to dragons to aliens and finally to anything my mind could come up with, be it giant mutated ocean dwellers or cute little goblins riding enormous insects.  I mainly explore and play with new media techniques as well as the anatomy of the human body and how it can be distorted to create different beings.  The human form is a great base starting point for many of my pieces, and one needs to know the rules before breaking them, so I work with the human figure just to keep my skills sharp.  Portraiture poses a nice challenge for me and I see myself working with it more in the future.

Education:           2009          BFA Adams State College, 
                                            Alamosa, CO

Exhibitions:       2011           Tattoo and Graffiti Show, 
                                            Community Partnerships, ASC

                           2008          Painting Show,
                                            Blue Bunny Show,
                                            Halloween Show, ASC

                          2008          Senior Show, Snook Gallery, ASC, CO
                           2007          Genesis Show, Hatfield Gallery, 
                                            ASC, CO

                           2006          Genesis Show, Hatfield Gallery,
                                             ASC, CO

                                             Ceramics Show, Hatfield Gallery, 
                                             ASC, CO

                              2005       Painting Show, Hatfield Gallery,
                                             ASC, CO

                                2004     Fish Show, Hatfield Gallery,
                                             ASC, CO